Do you want to generate HTML Galleries directly from Adobe Lightroom that have the look and feel of your website? I had to dig around for a few hours to find out how to do it. Here I like to share this information with you . I hope it will help.
Step 1
o Note all the directories below are windows 7 and vista. Not sure where Adobe stores this stuff in Mac or other windows versions. You will have to dig around a bit to find it.
o Go to Programfiles\Adobe\AdobeLightroam <your current version>\shared\webengines
o Copy the directory with your preferred style to directory c:\users\<username>\appdata\roaming\adobe\lightroom\webgalleries
o Rename the Directory to <something>.lrwebengine
o Open the file <something>.lrwebengine\galleryInfo.lrweb in a text editor (dont use a word processor as it sometimes adds hidden characters and screws up the file - Notepad will do)
o Find the following tag: "title = LOC "$$$/AgWPG/Templates/HTML/Title=" and change the name to what you like to call the new style. Example: title = LOC "$$$/AgWPG/Templates/HTML/Title=AD Photography HTML Gallery"
o In the next line change the ID tag. I just added a 1 at the end. Example: id = "com.adobe.wpg.templates.jardinePro1",
o Reboot Lightroom
o In the webgallery you should now find a new Layout style with the name that you gave in the title tag
o You know have a copy that you can customise
o Customise the file Head.html
o This file contains the header, links to the style sheets and defines the basic page.
o The file contains code in the body that the Lightroom uses to generate the file.
o I updated the file with my background image.
o Moved the basic table framework including my common links to the rest of my webpage and the Javascript for my Menu into this file.
o I left all existing content intact except for the title and subtitles that I removed.
o I formatted the title in same way the rest of my website is formatted.
o It is a bit fiddely to get the formatting right, but with a little bit of trial and error and regenerating the Gallery you can get this to work fine.
See the end result at:
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